God's Generals 2 - Smith Wigglesworth
Only Believe
The God's Generals for kids tells the story of men and women who lived for God. Including the highs and the low points of their lives, this series has been written for children aged 8-14.
The second volume in the very popular Gods Generals for Kids focuses on a famous evangelist named Smith Wigglesworth. He believed that all things are possible with God. All we have to do is believe that God can work. Smith's life was full of faith. The story and teachings of Smith Wigglesworth will help you know God better. Though he once was poor and he was a plumber by trade, this man gave himself to God. It will be a thrill to see what happened to him through him after he did so.
Click here to buy the whole series.
What people are saying: 'Carolines son ( aged 8 - about Gods Generals for kids Smith Wigglesworth. ' I handed the Smith Wigglesworth book to my 8 year old son. 3 chapters in already and declaring ' Unbelievable! He was such close friends with God ... I wish I was like Smith' Fabulous!
This book will awaken a child's spirit!
My 9 year old son read this aloud to me, and when he was finished, he began to cry because the Holy Spirit was ministering to him. I can't recommend this book enough to anyone who wants to see their child's spirit awakened to the movement
of the Holy Spirit.”
— Deborah Moore, Amazon reviewer