I admit it! This blog is completely reactionary.
The BBC have put out a list of inspirational mothers on their CBeebies website (for children aged under 6). The list demonstrates how sick our society is. One child was taken from the womb and moved to a different womb so that both parents could be mothers. Why would you risk your child in this way simply so you could carry them? Two of the ‘mothers’ were actually male drag queens. They were involved in prostitution, drug use and radical LGBT activism.
Many of the others on the list celebrate their acheivements away from their children more than the children themselves. They may be inspirational but does that make them inspiration in their motherhood.
The truly inspirational mothers are not those who make noise and challenge the traditional family unit, but those who quietly and sacrificially get on with the job of raising godly children who will impact their generation and beyond.
So, in complete reaction to this CBeebies list I want to present an alternative, far more wholesome list of inspirational mothers, that is suitable for such young children to celebrate.
1. Jochebed – the Mother of Moses
She was willing to do whatever it took to protect her child from the world’s attacks. She risked everything and trusted God throughout. This kind of sacrificially tenacious faith is desperately need in our society.
2. Mary – The Mother of Jesus
Mary epitomises the self sacrifice of motherhood. She was willing for her own reputation to be tarnished to accept the call of God and raise the Son of God. Her humility and desire to obey God shine through, no wonder God chose her for this role.
She would have had her highs and lows (imagine when she and Joseph lost Jesus after being in the temple!) but through it all she discharged her parental duties faithfully.
3. Lois & Eunice
In 2 Timothy 1:5 the apostle Paul writes, “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.” What greater accolade could be offered to Lois and Eunice than this!
4. Mothers of Ephesus
The church in Ephesus was based in the same city as the temple for Artemis, the goddess of fertility, nature and hunting. This city was renowned for throwing unwanted children on the rubbish dump. The oxymoron of this taking place near the temple for fertility demonstrates the low value placed on human lives. Some children would be rescued and raised as slaves by their rescuers but the church acted differently.
The Ephesian church members would rescue the children and adopt them into their families. If the children were sick they would nurse them for as long as their short lives required it. They viewed these children as their own as they adopted them as full members of their families. This makes it all the more sensational that Paul writes to these Christians and starts by saying, “having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself.” They were adopting children out of the overflow of their adoption by God into His family.
These inspirational mothers lived out their faith and saved lives.
5. Monica – the mother of St Augustine
Augustine of Hippo, born in 354AD, is one of the most influential early church fathers. Were it not for his mother we would not even know of him. As a young man he converted to Manichaeism (a previously major world religion), but Monica did not give up on him. When her husband had an affair, she continued to fight in prayer. When he was violent she stayed true to serving God in humility. Her husband refused her request to baptise her children, but she did not quit. Her husband finally converted from paganism to Christianity on his deathbed.
Reports speak of her weeping for her children every night as she cried out to God for them. She travelled the nations, long before budget airline travel made it easy, and followed Augustine as she prayed for him until he found the Lord. Then she continued to pray.
Augustine speaks of how her example and her prayers impacted him. He in turn has shaped the theology of the church and more even to this day. Remaining faithful in hard times led to a legacy that has continued for centuries.
6. Suzanne Wesley
Suzanne Wesley had 19 children, 9 of whom died as infants. The most famous of her children is John Wesley – founder of the Methodists. But he was not the only minister raised from the home. All of her sons entered ministry full time, including Charles who wrote over 6500 hymns, some of which are still sung today.
When her husband left them for a year, she took on the duty of teaching and training her children in the ways of the Lord. She was disciplined in her own devotions (when mother had her face covered with cloth you did not dare disturb her as she was in prayer).
She was a strict disciplinarian who did not allow standards to drop and instructed her children intensely in the word and the ways of the Lord. She taught them at home, used the Bible to start them reading and prayed earnestly for them.
Her home was also a hub for the church with many coming through for Bible studies, counsel and support. Her children saw her life poured out for the kingdom and they in turn imitated her.
Hundreds of years later, the fruit of her labour is evident to all.
7. Mary Whitehouse
Shocked at the debasement of the arts on television, Mary Whitehouse began a campaign almost singlehandedly to protect children from being exposed to lax morals. As a teacher and a housewife she wrote thousands of letters to the BBC and to the prime minister to protest this laxity and encourage the BBC to promote Christianity and God in the home over the new morality. She was involved in many court cases and worked to stop child pornography from being promoted.
She was mocked mercilessly in the media (even having her name used in a TV show – the Mary Whitehouse experience) but she did not quit. Dame Joan Bakewell, a vocal opponent of Mary Whitehouse and promoter of the women’s sexual revolution conceded that Mary Whitehouse was right. One of her most vocal opponents conceded that Mary Whitehouse was right.
She was willing to be a prophetic voice, although ridiculed and ignored, she was prepared to engage in the culture war for the sake of the next generation.
8. Ruth Graham
Husband of the famous evangelist, Billy Graham, and mother of 5 children, Ruth was uncompromising and an integral partner for Billy in ministry. Their children had turbulent years but Ruth held on to the Lord and now her son, Franklin Graham leads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
9. Helen Goldenberg
When thinking about inspirational mothers, I want to move a little closer to home. My mother, Helen Goldenberg, has given of herself sacrificially to me and to my brothers, been a stable constant in our lives and displayed Jesus in so many little ways. Whilst admiring the other mothers in this blog, this mother was used by God to shape me – the way I think, the way I act, the security I have in who I am and who God is. Without her I do not know where I would be.
She may not have been famous. No blogs will be written about her (except possibly this one) but her impact on my life and the life of all who know her is made richer by the fragrance of Jesus that comes from her. The greatest privilege anyone can have is to grow up in a stable family where Christ is at the centre. This is my privilege in large part thanks to my prayerful mum.
10. Helen Goldenberg
This is not a mistake. The penultimate mother I want to honour as an inspiration is also called Helen Goldenberg – this is my wife and the mother of our 5 children. (On a side note, I did consider calling our daughter Helen too but was vetoed … twice).
Helen is a kind, no nonsense, stable and loving nurturer of our 5 children. She continually sacrifices herself for them (as one of our sons says she is always willing to go out of her way for them). She has home educated them all as they have grown and an incredible partner in ministry, modelling service of Christ to our children in every detail.
All of these women are inspirational, not because of their conformity to the world’s morality, but because of their conformity to Christ. They stand out not for their own achievements but because of their sacrifice. Their reward is not in the praise of men, but in the shaping of the next generation. They stand in absolute opposition to many of the mothers that CBeebies chose to highlight as inspirational. These are the truly inspirational ones.
My finally honourable mention is to you! To all the mothers out there – you may not be famous, your work may not be noticed, your sacrifices may be unheeded. You may feel stretched and at times like you are failing. As you hold fast to truth, remain consistent in prayer and continue to love sacrificially you are making an impact in the lives of those you are raising for the good.
Happy mother’s day.