Many churches appoint leaders to take care of the children, the youth, the singles, married couples, families, the elderly, the women and the men. Who will look out for the unborn and their parents?
We want to encourage you to find an advocate in your church for the unborn.
Parents who understand their spiritual responsibilities during pregnancy are better equipped to take their role as spiritual leaders and the primary disciplers of their children once the children are born. As the concept of family is underattack let's take this opportunity to strengthen and help prepare new families in the church.
To help you we are offering 10 copies of Jesus, Your Baby and You for the price of 5, or £8.99 each. Helen and Olly show us from the Bible that God is interested in the life of each person before they are born. With many real-life experiences and practical ideas they empower us to prepare ourselves, our babies and our whole family for a life together with God. Discover the tools you need to fight fear, build faith and trust God through your pregnancy and beyond.provides You can either give these away as a blessing from your church or sell them on to support your other ministries.
First Amazon Review: "This has to be THE manual for pregnancy and childbirth! Makes pregnancy the delightful miracle of life given by God! He's in it all the way with you! It's a spiritual experience and this book gives loads of testimonies! You are bound to find "you" in it! Makes your baby a loved individual from conception with plans and a destiny for the future which you get to be a part of shaping before birth!"