Here in the UK we are in a unique time. While the world is going crazy, especially in the West as we abandon our Christian heritage and foundation, many people are turning to Christ and seeing their need of a god outside of themselves and an absolute morality defined by one who is absolutely good. The creator who is unchanging set this earth in motion and is still active on earth to draw people back to him who are willing to repent.
While institutions may be rejecting Christ, individuals are embracing Him. I have been hearing stories from across the UK that point to the resurgence of faith, the seeking for truth and the desire for the spiritual. This conversation is also taking place across the online world, with people with large platforms professing Christ and moving the conversation away from individualistic, atheistic humanism towards divinity, religion, faith and ultimately Christ. The baptism of Russel Brand this past weekend (renowned comic, spiritual guru and political commentator) is just one example of this move.
Recently at one session in the Hand in Hand Conference I asked, ‘Who has had someone walk into their church in the past 3 months with no link to the church (or at least not since childhood).’ There were around 200 people in that session and over 1/4 of the room raised their hands. These were people from churches across the nation and across the denominational spectrum. God is working in this nation.
Our role in this season is to not put out the revival that God is initiating but to keep in step with the Holy Spirit and be good stewards of all that God is doing.
It seems like the first green shoots of revival bursting through in a nation that has been progressively rejecting the work of God. These tender early shoots must be nurtured in prayer, we must not let up at this time.
I say all this aware of prophecies that speak of great shakings coming to this nation. The purpose of the Lord’s shaking heaven and earth is to provide an invitation for people to come to the one who will never be shaken and to join the kingdom that will remain for ever. This is harvest time for kingdom workers.
God’s desire is that none will perish but that all will have eternal life. That’s why we have set the ambitious target to reach every child every year with the Gospel. This is more than a nice slogan, this is a vision from the Lord expressing the heart of the Lord.
Of course this is totally impossible for us at Children Can to do. Indeed, while praying about this I listed the many reasons why this is impossible – I have to say the list was quite long! But the Holy Spirit gently inquired, ‘Can you think of any reasons why it could work?’ The only response I could find was, ‘You are God.’ That one reason trumps all the others. It outweighs every challenge that would stand in the way.
It's the reason Ezekiel could see the bones come to life and form an army, the reason why Daniel could escape a den of lions, Sarah could give birth in old age, the Israelites could escape slavery in Egypt and enter the promised land. He is God. The ‘I am.’ The Almighty. And He is moving in the United Kingdom in a way that I have not seen in my lifetime.
Since that time God has entrusted us to help lead the Hand in Hand conference and has brought many like-minded people together to go after this.
If we all work together, in the place where God has positioned us, across this nation we can do this. Let's prepare for many more children to turn to Christ and be ready to nurture them in faith and disciple them through prayer.
Be encouraged to pursue God’s plans for your life and ministry and to dig in in prayer until you see God’s desire here on earth, be it for your family, your ministry or your locality.
Who knows but that God has put us on earth for such a time as this.