5 ways to share the Gospel with children
In this final part of the series on children and salvation I want to suggest 5 different ways we can share the Gospel with children. A...
5 ways to share the Gospel with children
The altar call
Does a child need to be saved?
Lord do it again (part 4)
Bible Reading: Encouraging personal devotional (part 3)
Lord do it again (part 3)
Bible Reading: Where to begin (part 2)
Lord do it again (part 2)
Bible Reading:Out loud, Often and All Together (part 1)
The power of blessing
Lord do it again (part 1)
Why I struggle with Child-Centric ministry
Facilitating the connecting of generations
The greatest testimony I every heard
Four things
Prayer is on!
Are you teaching your children to watch?
Spiritual Vocabulary
Imagine life if we could only mix with 6 friends.
Nurturing Faith ( 3 of 3) – Growing young leaders